Leadership development and training is bespoke because every team and every school is different. The following projects provide examples of the type of leadership training that is offered, individually or as a collective.

1 - Leading Change - Creating a School Vision

Understanding the key principles of effective change management and communicating them effectively throughout the school to drive improvement.

2 - Effective Line-Management Processes

Developing styles and approaches to secure accountability and positive impact of line management.

3 - Handling and Resolving Conflict

Understanding strategies to prevent or resolve conflict in various strategic positions.

4 - Quality Planning to Ensure Progression Across the School

Developing a range of tools to ensure smart planning, monitoring and delivery of School objectives.

5 - Leadership Performance Management and Self Evaluation

Ensuring all aspects of strategic leadership are succinctly presented and defined.

6 - Exchange Programmes for Senior Leaders - For Leaders in International Schools only

An experience that provides Leaders with opportunities to visit UK Schools and discuss key aspects of strategic Leadership with serving Headteachers.

For a quote please contact Janev directly.